Distell Technology

AUR50216 Diploma in Automotive

Supersedes and is equivalent to AUR30616 - Certificate III in Light Vehicle Mechanical Technology

Inclusion of TAEASS502 and TAELLN411 in core units. Qualification structure has been changed to 9 core units and 1 elective unit, previously 7 core and 3 electives.

Pathways into the qualification Those undertaking the Diploma of Automotive Technology are required to have completed AUR40212 Certificate IV in Automotive Mechanical Diagnosis or AUR40812 Certificate IV in Automotive Mechanical Overhauling or be able to demonstrate equivalent competency. Pathways from the qualification Further training pathways from this qualification may lead to a relevant Advanced Diploma qualification. Employment or occupational pathway The Diploma of Automotive Technology prepares new employees or recognises and develops existing workers who are performing advanced diagnosis and design tasks in the automotive industry. Job roles related to this qualification include: advanced diagnostic technician automotive system designer

Total number of units = 36

20 core units , plus 16 elective units , of which: all 16 units may be from the elective units listed below up to 6 units may be from a Certificate II qualification or above in this Training Package or another endorsed Training Package or accredited course. Elective units chosen must be relevant to the work environment and the qualification, maintain the overall integrity of the AQF alignment, not duplicate the outcome of another unit chosen for the qualification, and contribute to a valid vocational outcome.

Unit Code Unit Name
AURAFA007 Develop and document specifications and procedures
AURETA001 Analyse and evaluate electrical and electronic faults in electronic over hydraulic systems
AURETA002 Analyse and evaluate electrical and electronic faults in body management systems
AURETA005 Analyse and evaluate electrical and electronic faults in theft-deterrent systems
AURETB002 Analyse and evaluate electrical and electronic faults in dynamic control management systems
AURETE001 Analyse and evaluate electrical and electronic faults in engine management systems
AURETR034 Develop and apply electrical system modifications
AURETX001 Analyse and evaluate electrical and electronic faults in driveline management systems
AURLTB002 Analyse and evaluate faults in light vehicle braking systems
AURLTD007 Analyse and evaluate faults in light vehicle steering and suspension systems
AURLTE003 Analyse and evaluate faults in light vehicle engine and fuel systems
AURLTQ003 Analyse and evaluate faults in light vehicle transmission and driveline systems