Distell Technology

CUA31120 - Certificate IlI in Visual Arts

Supersedes and is equivalent to CUA30715 - Certificate III in Design Fundamentals

This qualification reflects the role of individuals who are developing a range of visual art skills and who may take responsibility for own outputs in work and learning. It applies to work in different visual arts, craft and design environments. Practice at this level is underpinned by the application of introductory art theory and history. The job roles that relate to this qualification may include Ceramics Studio Assistant, Community Theatre Assistant and Arts, Craft or Design practitioner. It also provides pathways to other visual arts, craft and design job roles. Individuals may work under direction, using some discretion and judgment, and may provide support to a team. They may also work autonomously on familiar tasks within defined work settings. Licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification considerations Qualification No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this qualification at the time of publication. Units of competency in qualification Some individual units of competency may have their own licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements. Users must check individual units of competency for licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements relevant to that unit.

Total number of units = 12

4 core units plus 8 elective units , of which: 4 must be from Group A 2 must be from Group A and/or B 2 may be from the remaining listed electives or any currently endorsed training package qualification or accredited course. Elective units must be relevant to the work environment and the qualification, maintain the overall integrity of the AQF alignment, not duplicate the outcome of another unit chosen for the qualification, and contribute to a valid industry-supported vocational outcome.

BSBWHS211 Contribute to the health and safety of self and others

CUAACD311 Produce drawings to communicate ideas

CUAPPR311 Produce creative work

CUARES301 Apply knowledge of history and theory to own arts practice

roup A

BSBCRT201 Develop and apply thinking and problem solving skills

BSBCRT411 Apply critical thinking to work practices

CUADES201 Follow a design process

CUADES202 Evaluate the nature of design in a specific industry context

CUADES301 Explore the use of colour

CUADES302 Explore and apply the creative design process to 2D forms

CUADES303 Explore and apply the creative design process to 3D forms

CUADES304 Source and apply design industry knowledge

CUADES305 Source and apply information on the history and theory of design

CUAACD201 Develop drawing skills to communicate ideas

CUAACD312 Produce computer-aided drawings

CUAACD313 Produce technical drawings

CUAACD314 Make scale models

CUAANM302 Create 3D digital animations

CUAANM313 Create 3D digital models

CUAATS312 Produce work that expresses own Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander identity

CUAATS313 Develop and apply knowledge of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural arts

CUACAL311 Produce calligraphy

CUACER311 Produce ceramic works

CUADIG312 Author interactive sequences

CUADIG303 Produce and prepare photo images

CUADIG304 Create visual design components

CUADIG315 Produce digital images

CUADIG316 Produce video art

CUADRA311 Produce drawings

CUAGLA201 Develop glassworking skills

CUAGLA301 Produce glasswork

CUAIND311 Work effectively in the creative arts industry

CUAIND314 Plan a career in the creative arts industry

CUAJWL311 Produce jewellery

CUAPAI311 Produce paintings

CUAPHI305 Use wet darkroom techniques to produce monochrome photographs

CUAPHI312 Capture photographic images

CUAPHI314 Process colour materials in a wet darkroom context

CUAPHI316 Capture images using drone technology

CUAPPR211 Make simple creative work

CUAPPR312 Document the creative work progress

CUAPPR314 Participate in collaborative creative projects

CUAPRI312 Produce prints

CUASCU311 Produce sculpture

CUATEX311 Produce textile work

CUAWOO301 Produce wood objects

MSTGN2013 Identify fibres, fabrics and textiles used in the TCF industry

MSTTD4005 Produce screen printed textiles

MSTTD4007 Analyse textile design influences

MSTTD4010 Apply manipulation techniques to create experimental textile samples

MSTTD4012* Analyse use of colour in textiles

MSTTD4002 Prepare stencils and screens for textile printing

MSMPCII295 Operate manufacturing equipment

MSATCM305A Demonstrate basic knowledge of casting operations

MSFGG3024 Form glass

MSFGG3025 Apply patterns and designs to glass

MSFDG3003 Paint and fire glass

PMBPREP201 Prepare moulds for composite production

PMBPREP206 Prepare materials to formulae

PMBPREP301 Set up and prepare for production

PMBPROD247 Hand lay up composites

PMBPROD330 Make moulds for formed products

PMBPROD356* Construct moulds for composite products

PMBPROD358* Develop patterns

MSMPMC302 Operate equipment to blend/mix materials

MSMPMC304 Prepare for production

MSMPMC308 Operate slip casting equipment

MSMPMC309 Finish products after firing

MSMPMC310 Hand mould products

MSMPMC311 Operate a firing kiln

MSMPMC329 Prepare moulds and dies

Group B

BSBOPS301 Maintain business resources

BSBTWK301 Use inclusive work practices

BSBFIN302 Maintain financial records

BSBSTR401 Promote innovation in team environments

BSBESB301 Investigate business opportunities

BSBSUS211 Participate in sustainable work practices

BSBPEF202 Plan and apply time management

BSBTWK201 Work effectively with others

BSBTEC201 Use business software applications

BSBPEF301 Organise personal work priorities

BSBWRT311 Write simple documents

CUACMP311 Implement copyright arrangements

CUAWRT301 Write content for a range of media

CUAWRT302 Write simple stories

ICTICT214 Operate application software packages

ICTICT215 Operate digital media technology packages

ICTICT312 Use advanced features of applications

*Note the following prerequisite unit requirements:

Unit in this qualification

Prerequisite unit(s)

MSTTD4012 Analyse use of colour in textiles

MSTGN2013 Identify fibres, fabrics and textiles used in the TCF industry

MSTTD4002 Prepare stencils and screens for textile printing

PMBPROD356 Construct moulds for composite products

PMBPREP201 Prepare moulds for composite production

PMBPROD247 Hand lay up composites

PMBPROD358 Develop patterns

MEM09002B Interpret technical drawing